Sound Therapy

What is a Sound Therapy?

The use of sound is an ancient concept which probably started in the caves with echo, where the used the vibrations that sound creates to test the stability. Drums were often used in ceremonies and rituals, they would sing when they went hunting or as the women worked. 

So, sound has been used for thousand of years and is still being used today. I’m sure you all have a song that makes you feel energised, one that makes you feel loved, one that makes you feel agitated even. 

That is the sound vibrations working with your body and mind.

The practice of sound bathing, as the name suggests, is the practice of being deeply immersed in sounds and vibrations that have the power to cleanse and heal. It is a journey of self-discovery through deep relaxation and meditation. The sound vibrations allow you to drop into an outer state of consciousness which means that you can start to shift any issues that need dealing with.

To receive a sound therapy treatment is to take a holistic approach to relaxation and healing. It can be a prefect escape form the modern stresses of life. 

A sound therapy treatment can help cleanse your soul and restore your internal balance. This stems from the immense power of sound and vibration, everything around us is made up of particles that are constantly vibrating, this is why sound affects us the way it does. Sound has a great influence on our emotions and health and can help us feel happy, energised and relaxed.

The Effects of Sound Therapy

Physical Level ~

Menta Level ~

Physical Level ~

What to Expect

Have a clear intension and let go of your stress. Whatever you feel is all good, so let your feelings come and go. Being open in this manner will help you release deep-rooted emotions. You might have moments where you feel very happy or very sad. You might even cry during the session. Whatever happens is fine. Let your emotions flow and accept the release.


You might even fall asleep during the treatment and that is more than welcome. When the body is sleeping the mind is no longer engaged which means that it is no longer resisting, Therefore, it allows the therapeutic qualities of the sound vibration to work it’s magic.

One to one


You can receive one to one sound therapy sessions which are treatments in which the body can helped be restored to health and well being by the exposure of precise resonant frequencies (sound vibrations) into the corresponding part of the body that is currently ill or out of balance.


Group Sessions

During sound bath sessions, everyone will feel intense vibrations surrounding their bodies. Some will receive those vibrations and feel themselves moving into a meditative state. Others may experience emotional release. Everyone experiences sound bathing differently, there is no right or wrong way to do it. 

Types of One to One Treatments

Full Chakra Alignment with One Tibetan Singing Bowl

This treatment works with the Chakras, the energy centres within our body. There are seven main chakras that run along our spine. They start at the base, or the tailbone, of our spine and extend up to the crown of our head. Each Chakra corresponds to certain nerve bundles and major organs. To function at their best, your chakras needs to stay open, and balanced. If a resistance builds up in them, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to that particular chakra. Each one has its own traits.

During this treatment the singing bowl will be placed on the clients body along the spine, where each Chakra is located. This will be done on the clients back first while they are lying on their front. They will then be turned over and the same process repeated on their front body.

Relaxation & Detox Treatment with Three Tibetan Singing Bowls

This treatment is designed to help completely relax the body and mind, giving you a sense of peace and to help let go of any stress that you have been dealing with. The bowls will be place around the body, either all on one side or with one  on the opposite side – which will create a di-pole (where the energy flows back and forth through the body). 

Balancing Treatment with Four Tibetan Singing Bowls

This treatment will help to balance the whole body including the emotions. How often throughout the day do we have to deal with emotions? And how often do we shut those emotions down because we don’t have the time to sort through them, or we’re not in the right company to let them out, or that we simply don’t want to deal with them. This treatment will help to give you the space and personal power for you to acknowledge each one, work through them and allow those emotions to balance out again. The bowls will be placed around the clients whole body so that the energy and the vibration of them can flow through every part.

Whole Body Treatment with Eight Tibetan Singing Bowls

During this treatment the bowls are placed all around the body, therefore, working on the body as a whole. Opposite bowls are played, one after the other, creating an energetic push and pull from head to toe and side to side. This is a powerful cleansing session and can leave you feeling relaxed, confident and ready to face the outside world. It can also bring up a lot of emotions, so you may also feel a release on that level and you may even feel the need to cry at points during or after the treatment. Whatever affects you experience, remember that you are safe and that anything is welcome.