
Our Beliefs

Here at Scotshaven we believe that while conventional medicine certainly has its place, complementary treatments take a more realistic and holistic approach to healing, going back to the root of the ailment and including a person’s whole being in the treatment. 

Time is precious,
why not put a little of it aside just for you?


Swedish Massage

This massage helps relieve muscle tension, increase the circulation of the blood and lymphatic system leaving the client feeling relaxed and energized. It involves the use of hands, forearms and elbows to manipulate soft body tissue such as muscles, which can result in an all-round improvement in both mental and physical health.

1-hour Full Body = £45
30-minute = £30

Aromatherapy Massage

This massage combines two therapeutic practices, relaxation massage and essential oils. The use of essential oils is an ancient practise that is known to support your body mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. When essential oils are absorbed through the skin and inhaled, they can stimulate their own special healing properties. Not only do they smell nice but there is a range of significant benefits which will leave you feeling soothed and uplifted.

1-hour Full Body = £50
30-minute = £35

Relaxation Massage

As the name suggests, it is a form of massage therapy that focuses solely on relaxation by helping relieve muscle tension and improving blood circulation. The main aim is to help the client in escaping the demands of their daily life. A good relaxation massage can relieve stress and leave you oozing with a sense of wellbeing.

1-hour Full Body = £45
30-minute = £30


Reiki is an ancient therapy relating to engery healing. it involves the transfer of universal energy from the practitioner’s palms to the client. It is thought to aid relaxation, assist in the body’s natural healing process and develop emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

1-hour = £45


This is a complementary treatment that works by applying pressure to reflex points on the feet, resulting in a person benefiting both physically and mentally on a spiritual and emotional level. It is believed that the reflex points correlate to major parts and organs of the body and by stimulating these pressure points nerve function and blood supply can be improved. Great for relieving tension and calming the mind.

1-hour = £45

Indian Head Massage

This treatment combines shiatsu and acupressure techniques which are applied to the shoulders, neck, head and face. It will help you to relax, destress and it can also be great for relieving headaches. During this treatment the meridians are worked which will allow your energy to flow more freely and help you to release any negativity or stress.

1-hour = £40
30-minute = £25


Before your treatment, your therapist will ask you some questions and analyse your skin, so that they can tailor the products in the best way for your skins needs. This treatment can help eliminate dirt, dead skin and impurities which will leave your skin feeling renewed and your body feeling relaxed.

1-hour = £50
30-minute = £35

Sound Therapy

Everything is made of vibration, this is why sound therapy is so powerful, it works on the vibrational frequency of your mind, body & soul. A sound bath is the practice of deeply immersing yourself in sounds & vibrations that have the power to cleanse & repair. To learn more Click here.

1-hour = £40
30-minute = £25
Group session = £15 per person

More About Our Beliefs

With conventional medicine, a disease is seen as an entirely separate thing from the person who has it.  This differs from most complementary therapies, which put the emphasis on whole body care.  These therapies involve treating the condition in the physical body, as well as the person’s spiritual and emotional health and is one of the main reasons that holistic healthcare is gaining in popularity.

Another major benefit of holistic care is its emphasis on prevention, while traditional medicine aims to intervene after the

disease appears, most types of holistic practitioners promote ‘well visits’.

These treatments focus on preventing diseases before they show their symptoms along with caring for those who are already ill.

We strongly believe in a mind-body link and that stress and our emotional makeup play a part in many common diseases.

With stress and poor mental health being one of the biggest problems of modern life all of our therapies have an emphasis on relaxation and calming the mind; the key to a more purposeful, peaceful and harmonic life.

Take Care of Yourself